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Cloth, paper, or rubber rollers that distribute the dampening solution to the press plate or ink roller in lithography.dampening system:
The entire mechanism for transferring dampening solution to the plate during printing.dandy roll:
A wire cylinder on papermaking machines that creates the woven and watermark effects in finer grades of paper.d/b/a:
Doing Business As. A sole proprietorship operating under a name other than that of the proprietor, such as Rainwater Press.DCS:
Desktop Color Separation. A digital color file format that includes five PostScript files, one for each color separation (CMYK) and one data file.deck:
The text found underneath the headline of an article or story that provides slightly more detail than the headline and is set in a smaller point size than the headline but larger than the body text. Also called deck copy.deck copy:
The text found underneath the headline of an article or story that provides slightly more detail than the headline and is set in a smaller point size than the headline but larger than the body text. Also called deck.deckle:
The width of a sheet of paper as it comes off the wire of a papermaking machine.deckle edge:
The untrimmed feathery edges of paper formed where the pulp flows against the deckle.dedication:
Part of the front matter of a book in which the author dedicates the work to an individual or group of individuals.deep-etch plate:
A positive-working plate used for long runs where the inked areas are slightly recessed.defamation:
Libelous or slanderous statements that cause injury to another person.densitometer:
A photomechanical tool that measures optical density of images or colors, used to determine and control consistency throughout a press run.density:
1. The degree of darkness of a photographic image. 2. The relative weight of a particular grade of paper.descender:
The portion of a letter that extends below the baseline.desensitize:
The process of making non-image areas of a printing plate non-receptive to ink through chemical treatment of the metal, usually a gum.developer:
The chemical agent used to render photographic images after exposure to light.diazo:
A non-silver coating for contact printing in photography. Also, a light-sensitive coating used on presensitized plates in offset platemaking.die:
A metal plate cut in the shape of the master image used to make cuts in printed sheets.die cut:
The technique of using sharp steel rules to make cuts in printed sheets for boxes, folders, pop-up brochures, and other specialized printing jobs.die stamp:
An intaglio process for creating designs engraved into copper or steel, usually used for producing letterhead, business cards, and other specialized printing jobs.diffusion transfer:
A process in which a negative is produced and a positive of the image is transferred to a receiver sheet during processing, used in photography and platemaking.digerati:
A play on the word "literati" that describes the hip, knowledgeable people at the cutting edge of all things digital.dimensional stability:
The ability of a paper or film to maintain its size during changes in moisture (such as when inks or other liquids are applied) and relative humidity.dingbat:
An ornamental character such as a bullet, star, or flower used by printers to decorate a page.direct mail:
A form of advertising in which the published matter is mailed directly to the potential customer.direct screen halftone:
A halftone negative made by direct exposure from the original through a halftone screen.dirty copy:
Copy that has been marked up by editors or proofreaders and requires further corrections.display ad:
An advertisement that uses graphics, as opposed to a classified ad, which uses only text.display type:
Type that is set larger than the body type, used to attract attention to headlines, deck copy, callouts, pull quotes, and the like.distributing rollers:
Rubber-covered rollers that convey ink from the fountain onto the ink drum in printing presses.distributor:
A company that warehouses and ships books or magazines to retail outlets.dithering:
A technique used on computer screens and low-resolution output devices to produce a higher quality image in which the halftone cells are arranged in an overlapping pattern.divider sheet:
A sheet of paper, usually made from card stock, that segments a publication into various sections.divider tab:
The portion of a divider sheet that extends beyond the trim size of the rest of the publication.doctor blade:
A knife-edged blade pressed against the engraved printing cylinder in gravure printing that wipes away the excess ink from the non-printing areas.domain:
The name used on the Internet to identify the location of a particular computer.dot:
The single, most basic element of a halftone.dot etching:
The process of chemically reducing halftone dots in film negatives or positives to increase or decrease the amount of color to be printed.dot gain:
A defect that occurs in the reproduction process in which dots print larger than they should, causing darker tones or colors. Compensating for press dot gain is a key element in calibrating a digital prepress system.dot leader:
A series of dots in a horizontal line that guide the reader's eye from one word or phrase on the left to a page number or other text on the right, such as in a Table of Contents.double-fold:
A type of brochure fold in which one sheet of paper is folded over twice, creating four panels.double hit:
The process of running a print job twice through a printing press using a particular color to get an added amount of ink coverage, often used with dark inks such as black to achieve a rich appearance.double-sided:
Printing on both sides of a sheet of paper.download:
To retrieve a file from another computer, as opposed to upload, which means to send a file to another computer.down time:
The period of time in which a printing press or computer is not in use.DPI:
Dots Per Inch. A measure of an output device's resolution, such as a monitor or laser printer.draw-down:
A technique used in inkmaking used to roughly determine color shade in which the chemist places a small amount of ink on paper and draws it down with the edge of a spatula.drier:
Any substance added to ink to make it dry more quickly.driography:
Printing plates that consist of metal for image areas and rubber for non-image areas for printing without water. Also called waterless plates.drop cap:
An initial cap that "drops" below the first baseline.drop folio:
A page number, or folio, that has been placed at the bottom of a page outside the running foot.drop shadow:
A graphic effect in which display type is repeated behind itself, creating a "shadow."drop-out:
Portions of originals that are not reproduced, such as background areas or lines around the edges of an image.dryback:
The tendency of an ink's color to dull as the ink dries and is absorbed into the paper.dry trapping:
A method of trapping in which wet ink is printed over dry ink. See trapping.ductor roller:
The roller in both inking and dampening mechanisms on a printing press that alternately contacts the fountain roller and the vibrating drum roller.dull finish:
A flat coating applied to paper that is slightly smoother than a matte coating.dummy:
A preliminary layout showing the size, shape, form, and general style of a printed piece, including folds.dump:
A display for books, often made of cardboard.duotone:
A two-color halftone reproduction from a black-and-white photograph.dupe:
Short for duplicate. To reproduce a page or an image exactly as it originally appeared.duplex:
A type of paper that has a different color, finish, or texture on each side.duplex paper:
Paper that has a different color, finish, or texture on each side.duplicate:
To reproduce a page or an image exactly as it originally appeared.duplicating film:
A film for making negatives from negatives and positives from positives.dust cover:
The outer paper wrap on a hardcover book. Also called a dust jacket.dust jacket:
The outer paper wrap on a hardcover book. Also called a dust cover.dye transfer:
A process of producing color prints by using photographic emulsions to transfer dye solutions to film or paper coated with gelatin.