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Inside Back Cover. The opposite side of the back cover in a magazine, booklet, or brochure.icon:
Miniature pictures, on-screen or in printed material, that represent a single function, object, or idea.IFC:
Inside Front Cover. The opposite side of the front cover of a magazine, booklet, or brochure.illustration:
Usually describes line art drawings, but can also be used to describe photographs and other illustrative artwork.image area:
The area of a page that can be printed upon, surrounded by non-image areas, or margins.image assembly:
The process of stripping negatives or positives together on a flat before platemaking.image editing:
The process of changing and manipulating photographs and other graphics, usually performed electronically using software applications such as Adobe Photoshop.imagesetter:
A class of typesetters that can reproduce graphics as well as type at high-resolution onto photo-sensitive paper or film.impose:
To arrange and position pages in order to meet press, folding, and bindery requirements.imposition:
A layout of how pages need to be positioned in order to meet press, folding, and bindery requirements.impression:
The image caused by the pressure of the printing plate or blanket as the paper is printed.impression cylinder:
The cylinder on a printing press that comes in contact with the paper and causes the image to be transferred to the paper.imprint:
The name and/or logo a publisher uses on a book. Some publishers have more than one imprint.in print:
Books that are currently available for sale from publishers.in-house:
Functions performed within the company rather than by outside contractors.index:
A detailed listing in the back matter of a book that provides the location(s) of specific references organized alphabetically.india ink:
A black ink used for drawing and preparing artwork for reproduction.infringement:
When another party besides the copyright owner reproduces a copyrighted work, in whole or in part, without the copyright owner's permission.initial cap:
A capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph that rests on the first baseline and rises above the x-height of the other letters.ink fountain:
The device that stores and supplies the ink to the inking rollers on a printing press.ink holdout:
The degree to which paper resists ink penetration.ink mist:
Threads of ink.inkometer:
A device that measures the tack, or cohesion, of printing inks.insert:
A printed piece that is not part of the original publication but is bound into a magazine, newspaper, or other printed piece.insertion order:
An order form used by advertising agencies and ad sales reps to fulfill an advertiser's request to place an ad in a specific issue or series of issues of a publication.interactive:
Any type of media that allows the user to influence and react to it.Internet:
The collection of networks that communicate via TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) throughout the world. Also called the Net.IP address:
Internet Protocol address. A four-part set of numbers separated by dots that identifies a machine on the Internet.ISBN:
International Standard Book Number. A unique number provided by R.R. Bowker/Reed Reference Publishing and assigned by the publisher that identifies the binding, edition, and publisher of a book.ISDN:
Integrated Services Digital Network. A type of computer network that transfers data via phone lines.ISP:
Internet Service Provider. An organization that provides or sells access to the Internet to individuals and other organizations.italic:
A style of type in which the letterforms slant toward the right, used for emphasis and titles of books, magazines, and so forth.