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Folded and gathered pages which form the unbound pages of a book.fabiolous:
A word used to describe the photo of Fabio and Nan McCarthy, author of the cybernovel CHAT. If you find this fabiolous photo on the Rainwater Press Web site and tell us the secret password, you'll receive 10% off CHAT when you order directly from Rainwater Press.face out:
To display books on a shelf so that their front covers are showing, as opposed to spine out.facing page:
A page that forms a spread.fair use:
The legal use of a limited portion of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner for the purpose of newswriting, for example.fake-color:
The process of producing a color illustration by using one image as a key and manually making the other separations from it.fan guide:
A sample booklet of colors used for choosing and specifying color in which the pages fan out so that various colors can be compared.fanout:
The distortion of paper on press due to absorption of moisture at the edges of the paper.FAQ:
Frequently Asked Questions. A list of commonly asked questions and answers posted on an online service, mailing list, or forum to reduce the number of beginner questions for a particular topic.feeder:
The section of a sheet-fed printing press that separates the sheets and feeds them in position for printing.felt side:
The smoother side of paper for printing; the top side of the sheet of paper in papermaking.filler:
White pigments such as clay, titanium dioxide, and calcium carbonate that are added to paper in order to improve its opacity, brightness, and printing surface.filling in:
A condition in which the ink fills the area between halftone dots or plugs up the type, such as in the letter "e." Also called filling up.filling up:
A condition in which the ink fills the area between halftone dots or plugs up the type, such as in the letter "e." Also called filling in.fine etching:
The process of etching dots on metal to correct tone values when making printing plates.finger:
A software tool for locating people on the Internet.finish:
The surface characteristics of paper, such as machine finish or english finish.firewall:
In online networks, a security system often used by corporations that prevents outsiders from entering the local network.first edition:
The original printing from the original, unchanged plates and materials.first serial rights:
The right to publish a serialized version of a work before the work in its entirety is actually published.fixing:
The process of making a photographic image insensitive to further exposure.flame:
A public electronic message posted on a BBS, online service, or the Internet that personally attacks another individual or organization.flap copy:
The text that appears on the front or back flaps of a dust jacket.flash exposure:
The supplementary exposure given to strengthen the dots in the shadow areas of negatives.flat (adjective):
An image that is lacking in contrast.flat (noun):
Completely assembled film ready for platemaking.flat etching:
The chemical reduction of the silver deposit in a continuous-tone or halftone plate, produced by placing it in a tray of etching solution.flat fee:
A one-time payment, as opposed to a royalty fee which involves payments at regular intervals. Sometimes called work for hire.flexography:
A type of printing that uses rubber printing plates.flier:
A one-page, unfolded printed promotional piece.flop:
To flip an image so that it appears reversed.flow:
The ability of an ink to spread over the surface of the rollers on a press.flush:
To align text or images along one edge of a page layout.flush cover:
A cover that has been trimmed the same size as the inside, bound text pages, such as on a perfect-bound book.flush left:
Lines of type that are aligned along the left margin of a page, leaving the right edge ragged.flush paragraph:
A paragraph with no indentation.flush right:
Lines of type that are aligned along the right margin of a page, leaving the left edge ragged.flying paster:
An automatic pasting device that splices a new roll of paper onto a roll that is about to run out without stopping the press.FOB:
Free On Board. Often used when delivering printed materials, in the context of "Free On Board origin," which means the addressee pays the shipping costs, or "Free On Board destination," which means the shipper pays the shipping costs.fog:
The density of the non-image areas in a photograph.fold:
To double a sheet of paper over itself.fold mark:
Dashed or dotted lines printed on a sheet of paper to indicate where it should be folded.folio:
A page number, often placed at the top of a page outside the running head. If placed at the bottom of the page, the number is a drop folio.font:
In hot metal composition, a font was all the characters that made up a complete typeface at a particular point size. In electronic publishing, the term "font" is used to mean a complete typeface design in any or all point sizes.footer:
A headline or title that appears at the bottom of a page.foreign rights:
A subsidiary right that allows the book to be translated and published in countries other than the one in which the book was originally published.foreword:
Introductory remarks found in the front matter of a book, often written by someone other than the author.form:
The assembly of pages for offset printing.form rollers:
The inking or dampening rollers that directly contact the plate on a printing press.format (noun):
The size, style, number of pages, and other printing requirements of a piece to be printed.format (verb):
To apply type specifications to text.forum:
A section on the Internet or on an online service devoted to a particular topic where people can exchange information and ideas.fountain roller:
The roller in offset lithography that provides the ink.fountain solution:
A mixture of water, gum, and other chemicals used to dampen the plate and keep non-printing areas from accepting ink.four-color:
A publication that is created using four colors, usually, but not always, printed with cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.four-up:
The imposition of four items to be printed on the same sheet in order to take advantage of full press capacity and minimize paper consumption.FPO:
For Position Only. A low-resolution or simulated version of a graphic that is used only as a placeholder and not for final reproduction.free sheet:
Paper that is free of mechanical wood pulp.freelance:
To work on a client-by-client and job-by-job basis, as opposed to being employed full-time by one particular company.front list:
Newly released books, as opposed to back list, which are previously published titles still available from the publisher.front matter:
The pages of a book before the main text, such as title page, copyright page, Table of Contents, foreword, and so on.front plate:
An illustration that faces the title page, also called a frontispiece.frontispiece:
An illustration that faces the title page, also called a front plate.FTP:
File Transfer Protocol. A means of uploading and accessing files on the Internet.fulfillment:
The process of filling orders for a book or magazine through order taking, packing, shipping, and collecting payment.