a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x y z | #
Graphics defined by groups of lines, circles, text, and other objects (thus the "object-oriented" label), as opposed to bitmapped graphics, which are defined by pixels. Also called vector graphics.OCR:
Optical Character Recognition. The process of reproducing hardcopy output into digital format.off-press proof:
Proofs made by photomechanical means, such as a Cromalin or Matchprint, and sometimes by digital means, in less time and at a lower cost than it takes to create press proofs. Also called prepress proofs.offset lithography:
One of the most popular forms of printing in which negatives are used to create a photographic plate that is wrapped around a press cylinder. Ink adheres only to the exposed portion of the plate, is passed onto a second cylinder, and then onto paper. Also called offset.offset gravure:
Printing using the offset method, which is the process of using an intermediate blanket cylinder to transfer an image from the plate to the substrate. See gravure.offset/gravure conversions:
The use of lithographic positives to produce gravure cylinders.on spec:
To create a design or to write copy without being paid but with the intent to garner a contract for a particular job.one-up:
To impose only one item at a time to be printed on a sheet.online:
To have a live connection to another computer in which you can instantly send and receive messages or files to and from that computer.OOP:
Out of Print. When a book is no longer available for sale from a publisher.OOS:
Out of Stock. When a book is still available for sale from a publisher, but temporarily unavailable from a particular retail outlet, the publisher, or the distributor.opacity:
A property of paper or other substrate that minimizes show-through, which is the amount of ink printed on one side of a sheet that shows through the other side.opaque (noun):
The property of paper that makes it less transparent.opaque (verb):
To cover areas of a film negative with an opaque ink so those areas won't show up on the printing plate.opaque ink:
An ink used to conceal areas on a film negative.option:
The right to purchase or sell an author's subsequent work, or the right to purchase or sell the subsidiary rights to an author's work during a specified period of time.org:
A domain name suffix used in Internet addresses that denotes an organization that doesn't fit into any of the other categories, such as a non-profit, non-government organization.ornament:
A small decorative device such as an initial capital letter (initial cap) or a dingbat. Also called printer's ornaments.orphan:
The end of a paragraph or beginning of a column of text that is undesirably short:
a single, short word or the end of a hyphenated word. See widow.orthochromatic:
Photographic surfaces that are insensitive to red but sensitive to ultraviolet, blue, green and yellow rays.out-of-register:
An undesirable occurrence in which the color separations for an image were not properly aligned, causing text and colors to appear slightly off.outdoor:
A form of advertising on buses, billboards, and the like.over the transom:
Unsolicited manuscripts or queries sent to a publisher by authors.overhang cover:
A cover that is larger in size than the interior pages.overlay:
A transparent covering, sometimes made of tissue, that is placed over a page layout for marking instructions for printing or corrections.overprint:
To print over an area that has already been printed, as opposed to a knock-out.overrun:
When the number of printed copies exceeds the amount of the originally specified print run.overset:
Type that has been set but which exceeds the amount of space available in the layout.