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vacuum frame:
A vacuum device used in platemaking that holds material during exposure.vanity press:
A publisher who charges the author to print the author's book, also called a subsidy press.varnish:
A thin, clear coating applied to a printed piece for protection or special effect.vector-based:
Graphics defined by groups of lines, circles, text, and other objects, as opposed to bitmapped graphics, which are defined by pixels. Also called object-oriented graphics.vehicle:
The fluid component of a printing ink that carries the pigment.vellum finish:
A toothy paper finish that absorbs ink quickly.velo-bound:
An inexpensive method of binding that uses fused plastic.velox:
A photographic print made from a screen negative.vendor:
A supplier of goods or services, such as a printer or a service bureau.verso:
The left-hand page of a publication.vignette:
An illustration in which the background fades gradually away.viscosity:
The properties of tack and flow in printing inks.visual:
Virtual Reality Modeling Language. A computer language used on the World Wide Web for creating three-dimentional programs.