a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x y z | #
Paper that is packed under the plate or blanket or cylinder to provide proper pressure for printing.page composition:
The assembly of the elements on a page, including text and graphics. Also called page makeup or page layout.page layout:
The assembly of the elements on a page, including text and graphics. Also called page composition or page makeup.page makeup:
The assembly of the elements on a page, including text and graphics. Also called page composition or page layout.page proof:
A layout of pages as they will appear in the publication.pagination:
The process of arranging the pages of a publication in proper sequence.pamphlet:
An informational brochure that is usually only one or two pages.panchromatic:
Photographic film that is sensitive to all visible colors.paper master:
A paper printing plate used on an offset duplicator that contains the original images.paper stock:
The paper used for printing a particular piece.paperback:
A softcover book. Also called paperbound.paperbound:
A softcover book. Also called paperback.papermaking:
The process of creating paper from wood pulp or recycled paper.passive matrix display:
A conventional LCD (liquid crystal display) computer monitor, as opposed to an active matrix display, which provides sharper images and brighter colors.paste drier:
A combination of drying compounds used in inkmaking to speed drying.pasteup (noun):
A camera-ready mechanical that includes all the necessary text and artwork.pasteup (verb):
The process of preparing a camera-ready mechanical for final reproduction.PDL:
Page Description Language. The code generated by a typesetting or page-layout system that tells the output device, such as a laser printer or imagesetter, where to place elements on a page. Adobe System Inc.'s PostScript is an example of a PDL.PE:
Printer's Error. A mistake made by the printer after the originals have been submitted by the client. These types of errors are not charged to the client.pen name:
A pseudonym used by the author of a book or magazine article.perf:
Short for perforate.perfect-bound:
A method of binding in which signatures are folded and collated on top of one another and held together by adhesive.perfecting press:
A type of printing press that prints on both sides of the paper in one pass.perforate:
To cut or provide cut marks in a printed sheet.periodical:
A publication such as a magazine or newspaper that is published at regular intervals.permission:
Authorization from a copyright owner to quote or reproduce material from a copyrighted work.photocomposition:
To set type photographically by exposing the images to photosensitive paper.photomechanical:
Anything that pertains to using photographic negatives or positives exposed to plates or cylinders that have been covered with photosensitive coatings in the platemaking process.photopolymer coating:
A coating applied to a printing plate that helps it resist abrasion, useful for long print runs.photostat:
A photographic copy of type or art in the same size or a different size than the original; also known as a stat.phototypesetting:
To set type photographically, as opposed to manually or digitally.PI ads:
Per Inquiry advertising, in which the publication provides the advertising space for free but receives a percentage of each sale generated by the ad.pica:
A typographic unit of measure.picking:
When the paper lifts toward the ink during printing.PICT:
Not an acronym, though some people think this stands for Prehistoric, Incompatible, Crummy Tiff-substitute. A standard file format that allows for the exchange of graphic images (usually bitmapped) on the Macintosh.picture font:
Spot illustrations that are installed in the computer and work like digital fonts or typefaces.pigment:
The solid particles used in inkmaking that give inks its color, body, and/or opacity.piling:
When the ink builds up on the rollers, plates, or blankets of a printing press.pin register:
To use holes and pins through film and printing plates to ensure proper registration.pixel:
Picture element. The smallest unit of a bitmapped image as displayed on a computer monitor.plagiarism:
To copy the work of another and claim it as your own.plate:
The master device that bears the image to be printed. Printing plates can be made from metal, plastic, or paper.plate cylinder:
The cylinder of a printing press on which the plate is mounted.plate finish:
A smooth, hard finish applied to paper using calendar rolls.platemaking:
The process of creating printing platesPMS:
Pantone Matching System. A system of inks, color specifications, and color guides for specifying and reproducing color.point:
A typographic unit of measure. Traditionally, there are 72.27, 72.29, or 72.3 points to the inch, depending on whom you ask. For the purpose of designating type sizes, most modern publishing applications use 72 points to the inch.point-of-purchase display:
A box or rack, sometimes made of sturdy cardboard, that displays books or other merchandise near the cash registers of a retail outlet. Also called a POP or a dump.poor trapping:
An undesirable printing condition in which different color inks do not properly register, causing thin white lines in between colors.POP:
Point of Purchase. A box or rack, sometimes made of sturdy cardboard, that displays books or other merchandise near the cash registers of a retail outlet. Also called a dump.porosity:
A property of paper that allows air to permeate and thus ink to penetrate.porous:
The ability for paper to allow air to permeate and ink to penetrate. The more porous the paper, the higher the capability for ink penetration.portrait:
An image or page that is vertically oriented, as opposed to landscape, which is horizontally oriented.positioning:
The placement of an ad or the strategy devised for presenting a product to the market.positive:
Film in which the dark and light areas are the same as the original, as opposed to a film negative.PostScript:
A page description language (PDL) developed by Adobe Systems Inc. to handle the placement of text and graphics on a page.PPI:
Pages Per Inch. Used to measure the thickness of paper.pre-cut:
Printed materials that have been previously cut to size.preface:
Introductory remarks that may provide the reason for the book along with the goals and scope of the book, written by the author as part of the front matter.premium:
A book or other piece of merchandise given away as part of a promotion.prepack:
A point-of-purchase display, often made of cardboard, for holding books or other merchandise.prepress:
The process of preparing output for printing, such as creating film, checking color, creating proofs, and so on.prepress proof:
Proofs made by photomechanical means, such as a Cromalin or Matchprint, and sometimes by digital means, in less time and at a lower cost than it takes to create press proofs. Also called off-press proofs.pre-printed stock:
Paper or cover stock that has already been printed with a design or some other repeating element, such as letterhead.prepublication copies:
Copies of a book that are sent out before a book's publication date in order to generate interest and sales.prepublication price:
A discount price offered to specific individuals or organizations before a book's publication date.pre-scored:
Printed material that has received a linear impression to facilitate folding.press:
The equipment used for mass reproduction of printed materials.press check:
A method of quality assurance in which the customer actually visits the printing plant as the first few copies of a print job come off the printing press. The customer, assisted by the press operators, checks for accurate color, proper registration, ink coverage, and overall printing quality.press date:
The date a publication or book goes on press.press kit:
A collection of publicity materials used to promote a book or a product and often enclosed in a pocket folder.press proof:
A final color proof made on a printing press to verify color and printing quality.press release:
An announcement of a new book or a new product sent to a news organization for publication.press run:
The total number of copies of a publication to be printed, also called a print run.press sheet:
A finished printed sample pulled from the beginning of a press run for the purpose of checking color, registration, and other reproduction elements.press-on type:
Sheets of letters, usually printed on vellum or some sort of translucent paper, that can be rubbed off onto another surface such as paper. Also called transfer type.pressure sensitive paper:
A substrate with an adhesive coating that is covered with a backing sheet until ready to use. Needs no moisture to adhere.price estimate:
A preliminary cost analysis provided by a printer on how much a printing job will cost, listed in terms of price per piece and total cost per thousand. Different from a quote, which is a legally binding, signed agreement between a printer and a publisher in which the cost is guaranteed not to fluctuate for a specified period of time.price quote:
In printing, a legally binding agreement between a printer and publisher that lists the costs of a particular print job, in which the price does not fluctuate for a specified period of time. More solid than a printing estimate, which is a preliminary report on how much a print job is expected to cost but is not legally binding.print quality:
The properties of the paper that affect its ability to reproduce well.print run:
The total number of copies of a publication to be printed, also called a press run.printer's error:
A mistake made by the printer in preparation for printing, as opposed to an author's alteration. Also called a PE.printer's ornament:
See ornament.printer's spread:
The imposition of pages as they will be assembled and reproduced on press, as opposed to a reader's spread, which is how the pages will appear in the final bound publication.process color:
Four-color reproduction of the full range of colors by the use of four printing plates, one for each of the primary colors: cyan (process blue), magenta (process red), yellow, and black.progressive proof:
Proofs made from each separate printing plate, showing the sequence of printing as well as the result after each color plate is added to the image.prologue:
Text that appears at the beginning of a story which sets the stage or introduces the story, as opposed to an epilogue, which appears at the end of a story and offers parting comments.promo copy:
A free copy of a work given to someone for promotional purposes.promotional material:
Brochures or other merchandise designed to publicize and sell a product.proof (noun):
A reproduction of what the printed job should look like. Can take many forms, such as black-and-white, color, blueline, Matchprint, and so forth.proof (verb):
Short for proofread. Also means to check the color and position of text and images on a page layout.proofread:
To edit a manuscript for spelling and punctuation errors.proportion wheel:
A small, circular device used to scale artwork.proposal:
A detailed plan for a book or article, including an outline, author bio, marketing strategy, and any other information used to persuade a publisher to offer a contract for the work.pseudonym:
An assumed name used to conceal an author's identity. Also called a pen name.public domain:
Work that is not protected by copyright.publication date:
The date on which a book becomes available for purchase, and on which the promotion is slated to peak.publicist:
A person who prepares promotional materials and schedules media appearances such as a book signing tour.pull quote:
A quote extracted from the main text of an article and printed in large type on the page, frequently offset with ruled lines or other graphic elements.