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1. The edge of a divider sheet that extends beyond the trim size of the publication. 2. Also, a pre-specified space for vertically aligning text.table of contents:
A chart that features the sections of a book, magazine, or other published work, along with page numbers. Also called a TOC.table of illustrations:
A chart that lists the illustrations, credits and page numbers in a published work.tack:
The property of cohesion of particles in printing inks that can cause splitting on weaker papers.Tackoscope:
An instrument for measuring the tack of printing inks. Also called an inkometer.tagline:
An identifying line of text that appears at the top or bottom of a printed page that shows the file name, page number, date, and/or time.tail-piece:
A small ornament at the end of a chapter or story.tearsheet:
Advertisements or articles torn from the pages of a magazine and used as proof by the publisher or the advertising agency that a particular ad or article appeared in a particular issue.technical edit:
A review of a manuscript by an expert in the field, also called an expert reading.template:
A preformatted document that is protected from overwriting and can be used repeatedly to create new documents.text:
The body type of a page, as opposed to headlines, captions, and other type.text paper:
Any fine-quality printing paper.text wrap:
Running text that contours the shape of another object such as an illustration.thermo-mechanical pulp:
A pulp used in papermaking in which the wood chips are steamed before and during refining, resulting in a stronger pulp than regular groundwood pulp.thirty:
The "-30-" symbol is used in manuscripts, newspapers, and press releases to signify the end of the story.three-up:
The imposition of three items to be printed on the same sheet in order to take advantage of full press capacity and minimize paper consumption.TIFF:
Tagged Image File Format. A standard graphic format for the storage of high-resolution (greater than 72 dpi) scanned images that can be imported into a page layout program.tile (noun):
A unit of an image or page that has been divided into smaller units so it can be printed.tile (verb):
When an image or page is too large to fit onto a standard sheet of paper, to break a page or image into smaller units so that it can be printed.tint (noun):
A solid color that has been screened back less than 100% to create a lighter shade of that particular color.tint (verb):
To screen a solid color back by less than 100% to make it lighter.tipping in:
To insert a smaller publication into a larger one, such as a pull-out pamphlet in a magazine.tissue overlay:
A transparent covering made of tissue that is placed over a page layout for marking instructions for printing or corrections.title:
1. The name of a book or other published work. 2. A book publishing industry term used to refer to a book, such as "We're publishing five new titles this month."title page:
Part of the front matter of a book that contains the title of the book and the name of the publisher.tonal range:
The difference between the brightest and the darkest tone in a photograph or offset lithographic print.toner:
Imaging material used in laser printers, copiers, and other electrophotographic devices.tooth:
A characteristic of paper in which the finish is slightly rough, allowing it to readily take printing ink.toothiness:
The property of paper that allows it to readily take printing ink.touchplate:
A fifth or higher plate used in four-color process printing, usually to strengthen a specific color.tracking:
The overall space between letters in typeset text. Tracking can be adjusted to tighten or loosen the letterspacing.trade paperback:
A quality paperback or softcover book, as opposed to a mass market paperback, which is printed on less expensive paper.trade publisher:
A publisher who publishes books primarily for the book trade, selling books to bookstores and libraries.traditional:
To create a document or publication using mechanical means as opposed to digital means such as with personal computers and page layout programs.transfer type:
Sheets of letters, usually printed on vellum or some sort of translucent paper, that can be rubbed off onto another surface such as paper. Also called press-on type.transparent copy:
A color transparency or positive film through which light must pass in order for it to be viewed or reproduced.transparent ink:
A printing ink that does not conceal the color underneath. Process inks are transparent and blend together to form other colors.transpose:
To exchange the position of a letter, word, phrase, sentence, or image with another.trap:
To print one ink or color over another ink or color in order to avoid thin white lines between colors.trapping:
A method of overlapping adjoining colors or inks that helps minimize the possibility of a fine white line appearing between two colors, caused by misalignment of color plates on press.trim:
To cut the excess paper from the edges of a publication after it has been printed and bound.trim mark:
Vertical or horizontal lines placed outside the margins of a page to indicate where the paper should be cut.trim size:
The size of a page after it has been trimmed.twin-wire machine:
A type of papermaking machine that has two wires instead of one for producing paper with less two-sidedness.two-color:
A published piece that is created using only two colors, whether they are spot or process colors.two-sheet detector:
A device that stops the press when more than one sheet gets into the grippers.two-sided:
Paper that has a different texture or consistency on each side, also called duplex paper.two-up:
The imposition of two items to be printed on the same sheet in order to take advantage of full press capacity and minimize paper consumption.type gauge:
A tool used by typesetters for measuring type in picas and points.type high:
A standard letterpress measurement; 0.918 inch.typeface:
A set of characters that share a distinctive and consistent design.typeset:
The process of applying style specifications such as typeface and point size to raw text.typesetter:
A person who applies style specifications such as typeface and point size to raw text.typo:
A typographical error in a published work, such as a misspelling or missing letter.